Rogue DragoN or Bel Canto Ref600 M

Considering moving to either a Rogue DragoN or Bel Cato Ref600 M’s.  Current equipment: PrimaLuma HP Integrated, PS Audio Direct Stream Sr. DAC and Joseph Audio Prospectives.  Initially will use PS Audio as pre.  Looking for more headroom while maintaining classic tube like sound stage and move to US based equipment.  
Would like to hear others opinions / experience with Rogue and Bel Canto etc.  

Yes, if it were me, and wanted to keep my tube options open, I would go with the ref600m (100kohm input impedance RCA input, 200kohm balanced, same as my older ref1000ms) and throw whatever pre-amp I want at it, tube or otherwise.
That is where I am right now.  I have been in and out of tubes for the past 30 years.  It would not hurt my feelings at this point to get out of power tube replacement.  That is what is really diving my move.  I have not been a big fan of class D but it seems like the weaknesses are becoming less and less and losing the weight and heat is a plus.   
If you only have 1-2 sources.. a DAC being one.  DAC right into the rouge dragon (or any of the tube/D hybrids) could be a nice combo.

That SPL Director MKII or the Benchmark DAC3 both nice options.
My only input to start with is a PS Audio DAC. You offer interesting additional options. Thanks. 

This is not going to help much.

Both use the Hypex NC500 modules but the Rogue has linear power supply and tube input buffer.
Where the BelCanto use switch mode (smp) power supplies and an opamp input buffer.

I like the idea of having a linear power supply, of the Rogue, but not a capacitor coupled tube buffer to drive the NC500 low input impedance of 2kohm.

I think the opamp buffer of the Belcanto would be better suited to drive that load

Cheers George