Rogue Owners Unite

Hello Rogue Owners. The goal of this thread is to let Rogue owners discuss the tubes they have tried in their amps/preams and discuss other tweeks that have been implemented with success. It would also be nice if you'd post your system components to help us compare notes.
Well I only heard the Acoustic Zens in a show setting, but they were great sounding with the tube amps they were paired with. I would try a tube amp first based on that experience. Rogue tube amps have great bass in my experience. And local Rogue dealers suggested to me that they liked the tubed units better. Based on all of this, I'd try a tube design before a hybrid.

Or if you have a Rogue dealer locally, maybe try to audition both? Perhaps an online Rogue dealer would also give you that option. If not, I would go with tube units first. Some Rogue lovers on Audio Asylum are less enamoured with the hybrids compared to all tube units.
Rosecoeii, Thank you for the comments and advice. I happened to fire off an e-mail to Rogue after reading your message yesterday, and ask them about the Cronos Magnum integrated which is $2295 retail. This is a thousand dollars more than new Sphinx.

Well, the response I got was less than informative about features of the supplied remote, the phono stage, and dynamic power. I felt like saying so what the f--k makes this integrated worth a $1000 more?????

I was told you need to rebias the unit. Big deal!!! Maybe, some Rogue owners of the CM or yourself can enlighten me as to the "possible" difference between the CM and Sphinx, considering the CM prepreceded the new hybrid. Thanks
Who did you hear back from at Rogue? Mark O'Brian often replies to the e-mails sent to them, but he may be at the NYC Audio Show.

Might be worth a follow-up e-mail, or a phone call to Rogue (after the NYC show is over).
The remote features on all Rogue products are minimal. Volume and maybe mute. Looks like both of the units you are considering only have volume control on the remote. Hope this helps. I suggest calling after the NY show and asking about the price difference. I think the cost of a tube output section is most of the answer.
Much thanks: to Jerryp and Roscoe. It was Mike O'Brien I spoke to. I did not know about the New York show, so he may have been distracted by show goers and dealers yacking away at him

I gratefully give back the thread to the original poster. Thank you, and good night!! Jimbo