Rogue Sphinx or Belles Aria???

I've recently been building up my system over the past year getting into the mid/hi-fi level and have finally reached the point of upgrading my amplifier [currently older Yamaha A-S500]. 
I'm looking for an integrated amp in the ~$2k range [I don't have space or budget for separates] and think I finally have it narrowed down between a Rogue Sphinx v3 and a Belles Aria.  I'm only listening to vinyl so have no need to worry about a DAC.

The Rogue has many positive reviews so think it would be a pretty safe bet and while I can only find one professional Belles Aria reviews the personal reviews in various forums seem to be pretty spectacular and seems to punch above its class so I'm really intrigued. 
Unfortunately, I'm not in the position to demo either of these personally so I'm looking for advice; especially if any one has ever compared side by side.

The rest of my setup is as follows:
B&W 705 stand-mounts
Rega Planar P3 w/ Elys MM
Audioquest Sydney interconnects

I really appreciate any advice...thanks!

Owned a Belles Aria in my main system before moving to a class A SET amp. Foolishly sold it and have now repurchased for my second system (the exact same unit at no loss funnily enough). It’s a really solid integrated amp that might underwhelm on paper and looks vs the Rogue but somehow it simply sounds wonderful and very dynamic. Haven’t heard the Sphinx but have listened to other Rogues in my home. The Sphinx won’t sound as good. HT bypass and great phono stage seal the deal.

I bought a Belles Aria integrated after following several discussions on the Steve Hoffman Forum and could not be more pleased with the sound quality.  Matched with Harbeth speakers, the Aria sounds more realistic than my previous integrated amplifiers, which include Naim XS and SN2 (too brash) and Hegel H90 and H190 (too dark and fuzzy).    

Not so much a criticism as an observation, the Aria does benefit from vibration isolation.  Placing equipment vibration protectors (EVP from A/V RoomService) under the amplifier really opened up the sound and seemed to make the speakers disappear.  I also added a HRS (Harmonic Resolutions Systems) damping plate to the top of the Aria, which really improved the bass response/PRAT.  Together, these tweaks made quite a difference and are highly recommended.

I have no experience with the Rogue Sphinx but either product should be a good choice.  

Thanks everyone for all your advice and feedback! 
It really seems like most of you have had a lot of positive experience with the Belles.  Between the feedback in the discussion as well as the private messages it seems to pretty clearly be the winner.  
While I'm sure the Rogue is great in it's own right and all things are system dependent I believe the Belles is the one for me!  

Now if only I had the extra budget to pick up some of the Vandersteen's or Harbeth's that many of you have mentioned then I'd really have my dream system! 

Just a thought..... Buy the Rogue, and get the Vandersteen speakers with the money you saved on the amp. You will have a bigger difference between the speakers than between the amps. IMO.
One thing at a time.  If you skimp on something now, you'll only regret it later.