
Responses from nquery

Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers
@relaxasaurus - I was the one who purchased the Perspective 2’s two weeks ago. Amongst others, I have had a number of speakers relevant to this thread roll through my living room: Spendor A7/D7.2’s - owned both. A7’s were pleasant, D7’s too hifi... 
Shocking Lampizator Service
@bubinga that is undoubtedly generally true. but that doesn't mean you can't extract/discern general quality/build issues from the all of the noise posted. I still believe that Lampizator DAC's are not robustly manufactured/built and easily prone ... 
Shocking Lampizator Service
While their DACs sound fantastic, if you scan various forums I think you will notice that there is a very high rate of issues and warranty service with Lampizator. I have had three Lampi DAC’s pass through my hands and they all had issues requirin... 
Denafrips Terminator Plus vs T+A DAC 200
I have owned, in order, the May KTE, Lampi Baltic 3, and the T+A Dac 200. Never really got along with the May KTE - just bland compared to the vivid sound of the Baltic 3. Thought I would stick with Lampizator for good. But I got excited about the... 
Holo Audio May DAC
I have owned both. It is definitely much better. No comparison.  
Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?
@shkong78  please PM me to discuss further. As per our discussion on another forum, I replaced my LM805 with the Class D’s. So I have done that one ;) but maybe we can figure something out.   
Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?
@jeffseight I am in Seattle and could provide Atma-sphere Class D's  
Inter Connects - What I know and don't know
@atmasphere ok, one last thing then and i’ll stop harassing you :) .... where in the AES48 doc does it define the requirement for the signal current (pin 2 and pin 3) to reference each other and not reference the ground in order to be compliant? b... 
Inter Connects - What I know and don't know
@atmasphere See figure 3 on page 7 of AES48 Draft. Maybe I was being presumptuous by assuming that the signals pins == "signal circuitry" in the diagram. The REF label is next to the black lines coming down from "signal circuitry".  
Inter Connects - What I know and don't know
@atmasphere  thanks for the followup and link. I read it and understand it in and of itself. T+A previously stated that pin 1 is connected to the enclosure (chassis) and not signal ground so this would suggest that they do match the "recommended ... 
Inter Connects - What I know and don't know
@atmasphere fyi, here is a portion of a followup response from T+A regarding AES48 compliance. I tried to parse the diagram in the draft AES doc but this is now officially way over my head :) The analog signal circuitry of the DAC200 is referen... 
Inter Connects - What I know and don't know
@atmasphere   Hi, I asked T+A about whether or not their DAC 200 is AES48 compliant and they responded: "The AES48 standard was paid attention to when designing this DAC. There is a small difference, though: the connection between pin1 and enc... 
Best DACs under $7,000.00
I have owned both the Holo May KTE (with HQP upsampled input) and Lampizator Baltic 3. A/B'ed them for a while but honestly, it didn't take long to convince me that the B3 sounded much better. (The May certainly wins on build quality, and technica... 
Interesting. I never had trouble dialing in the hum pots with my 90db Spendor’s. Dead quiet. A tiny bit of transformer hum if I put my head up next to the amp which might be DC offset. Agreed that PL might be more versatile but I don’t think they ... 
@ghasley Fair enough. Did you prefer the PL?