1. Should amp be turned all the way off, or is stand by OK when changing tubes ? OFF ALL THE WAY ALL THE TIME
2. Tubes that have paper labels glued on them ( Brimar CV 4033 ) OK ? BEST REMOVED, ESP FOR POWER TUBES
3. Can input tubes ( 12 at7's or the Brimar CV 4033's ) be substituted for the driver tubes...6414 ? I have read that 6414 can be substituted for 12 at7's but what about visa verse ? SEARCH ONLINE FOR TUBE INTERCHANGEABILITY... GETS TRICKY SOMETIMES, DEPENDS NOT JUST ON THE TUBES BUT THE CIRCUIT THEY ARE WORKING IN... CHECK WITH MANUFACTURER BEST IDEA
I have use the Brimar CV 4033 in the 12 at7 input spot and enjoy the sound, so was wondering about it as a driver ? INPUT TUBE MORE SENSITIVE THAN DRIVER/BUFFER IN CHANGING SQ
4. What tube is more impact on the sound , input or driver ? SEE 3
5. Ideas for rolling the 6414 as i do not see many around ?
1. Should amp be turned all the way off, or is stand by OK when changing tubes ? OFF ALL THE WAY ALL THE TIME
2. Tubes that have paper labels glued on them ( Brimar CV 4033 ) OK ? BEST REMOVED, ESP FOR POWER TUBES
3. Can input tubes ( 12 at7's or the Brimar CV 4033's ) be substituted for the driver tubes...6414 ? I have read that 6414 can be substituted for 12 at7's but what about visa verse ? SEARCH ONLINE FOR TUBE INTERCHANGEABILITY... GETS TRICKY SOMETIMES, DEPENDS NOT JUST ON THE TUBES BUT THE CIRCUIT THEY ARE WORKING IN... CHECK WITH MANUFACTURER BEST IDEA
I have use the Brimar CV 4033 in the 12 at7 input spot and enjoy the sound, so was wondering about it as a driver ? INPUT TUBE MORE SENSITIVE THAN DRIVER/BUFFER IN CHANGING SQ
4. What tube is more impact on the sound , input or driver ? SEE 3
5. Ideas for rolling the 6414 as i do not see many around ?