rookie drunk move

drinking beers and screwing around with wiring... prob lots of horror stories from that combo that would be an interesting topic for another thread. For me, i was re-wiring my speakers when i realized afterward that the amps were still on (Nuforce Ref 8). Luckily, everything appears to be working. However, i THINK i notice a slight degradation in sound. So my, i guess, somewhat newb question is this..if everything appears to be working and no definitive loss, am i just psyching myself out in hearing 'lesser' sound because I know what I did? Guess what i'm asking is -- do amps either work or not, and not capable of 'slight' degradation in sound due to something like what i did.
Tony don't sweat it
If you had caused any harm, you'd know it by the sound, or lack thereof...

Having said that, the equipment is not at all bulletproof; such bonehead manuevers have caused many of us a lot of grief, weeping, wailing, knashing of teeth ...

Regarding your 'rewiring' did you actually change cabling? That could explain a perceived difference in sonic signature.

Not sure what 'screwing around with wiring' actually means... but maybe the connectins of the cables need some cleansing or rechecked for tightness... however I'd not use the alcohol in the beer to clean with... Alcohol, regardless the form, is only a temporary remedy and not the actual solution.... try a lager.
What Bob said sounds correct to me however as Blindjim asked, what did you actually do?