Room Acoustics

I pushed my 34" widescreen TV back more towards the front wall yesterday, getting it out of the way of the 2 speakers thinking of improving the sound. The soundstage did expand, but the imaging was less defined. Does putting a television between a pair of speakers actually improve their imaging? Are their any advantages as to put a big object between the 2 speakers?
I'm sure it depends on all the ingredients, but if you move your speakers far enough out from the back wall, you should minimize any negative impact.

In my case, when I had a 50 inch rear projection back and between my speakers, the only noticeable affect was that the soundstage was raised about 3 or 4 feet. Which I kinda' liked.

FWIW, my speakers were about 5.5 ft from the back wall to the front face of the speaker cabinet.

A TV does affect soundstaging dramatically due to acoustic reflections from the screen. But everyone seems to agree problems can be made less noticable by moving TV forward/backward in relation to speakers.
I went from a big monster RPTV to a 50" wall mount plasma between my speakers and everything about the sound improved big time............
Imaging, Soundstage, bass response, etc...
It was like my speakers (B&W N802) were set free.
I will never go back to the big box.