Room Acoustics

I’m moving into and new place and going to have a dedicated listening room for the first time. No more living room listening for this guy! Though my room is going to be a little acoustically challenged and I was hoping to get some advice on the best ways to midigate the problem. The room is 13’ x 12.5’ x 6.5’, I know, super low ceiling :( Floors are concrete and I was planning and throwing an area rug down. Other then putting up some acoustical paneling does anyone have suggestions or clever ideas that would help? Thanks!

my system:
Rega RP6 turntable
Ayre P5-xe Phono preamp
Ayre Ax-7xe integrated amp
Vandersteen 2ce speakers
I listen exclusively to vinyl and have pretty wide music tastes. A lot of 60s and 70s rock and modern indie rock, as well as a little electronic and a little jazz. 
I like GIK too. 
We usually use a certified tradesman who specializes in the practical application of acoustic solutions (decoupling, sound proofing, modified HVAC if needed to retain environmental comfort, etc) in addition to GIK products/services. We have found the results are often very practical, decor and comfort is retained, and the end result is very acoustically pleasing. 
Buy a load of acoustic foam panels from eBay and some spray mount glue. Use a mirror to determine where First and second reflection points are on your side walls and glue the panels. It’s better to spray the wall and apply the foam rather than the other way around. This will make a a much improved sound stage and is not difficult to get right.
Buy a load of acoustic foam panels from eBay and some spray mount glue. Use a mirror to determine where First and second reflection points are on your side walls and glue the panels. It’s better to spray the wall and apply the foam rather than the other way around. This will make a a much improved sound stage and is not difficult to get right.