Room Correction: Should I disconnect my REL Subwoofers before running room correction?

I have a NAD C 658 Streamer / Dac with Dirac room correction.  I have a pair of REL Subwoofers R 528 connected/ integrated to the mains.  I’m wondering if it would be best to run room correction with the subs connected or to run without and then tune the RELS after.  
Dali Euphonia ms-4
NAD C 658
REL R528 x2 
I would think you would leave them connected.  You want to measure the room with all the components you are using.
depends of the subs can have their levels adjusted by the dirac bearing unit appropriately

Room Correction: Should I disconnect my REL Subwoofers before running room correction?

Not if it’s being correct as well with your mains. leave the xover on it up full and the level at 1/2 and the room correction should take care of the rest, even the phase if it’s a good one that uses a microphone when doing it's FR sweeps.

Cheers George