Room Placement on Vandersteen 3A Sig's?

I have been listening to Aerial 6t's, 7's and B&W 804's. Preferred the Aerial's. After thinking more and more about my potential purchase, the question keeps arising............have I listened to enough speakers?

I called my dealer who also sells Vandersteen and sought his advice. He had very good things to say about the 3A sig's but he did not reccommend them for ME. He said that one of my mains would be to close to the wall, he went on to say they would sound ok but never sound how they were intended.

So my question far do they need to be placed away from the wall? In my current set-up, my right speaker is about 4 feet from the back wall and about 18 INCHES from the side wall. Would the Vandersteens be a bad way to go?

thanks for any help


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