Room size & choosing speakers

I am new to all of this and trying to find best size speakers for a small room. I recently listened to B & W 802D's (with a McIntosh MC452 & C-50) at a local audio store & loved the sound. It is a great deal of money for me, but worth it if I can create that magic at home.

My fear is that I will be listening in a 10' x 12' room and that the speakers will overwhelm the room. I also think of the B & W 803D's (smaller, less money, not quite as full sounding), and still have the same fear.

Right now I am trying to decide between the 803D's & the 805D's with a good subwoofer (possibly Rel 328 or JL audio F112). Any thoughts or help greatly appreciated.
Mctosh can give a good and deep stage as well. Wenn you will use this amp you will hear the difference in stage depth and wide. It is the best to use about 5 numbers of cd's/lp's or music on streamer. Numbers you know well. Use them on each speaker you will listen at. Wenn you go for Mctosh I would go for cabels which give a sharp and small focus of instruments and voices. ( Audioquest, Taralabs, Kimber and Transparent all will work fine depending on your tatste. First only focus on the speakers. cables will be a mather later.)
Need to correct my post, our listening space is 2X the size of the OP's room, not 3X (wish it was).
Mksr , After reading your original post , It made me curious as to how your local dealer answered your question concerning room size with the 802D and associated equipment. What did they say when you asked this question? Since it is a local dealer, would they be willing to allow a home audition to help you make your choice?
In 2000 I met a person who bought the 802N. His room was too small for this speaker. He had a lot od acoustic problems with it. I never would have sold him this speakers in that room. I got really irritated and phoned with B&W in my country. I said you need to be more careful and honnest to cleints about speakers in this price range.
I auditioned the 802D's at a local dealer and did not like the sound at all. The imaging was constricted and the midrange was muddy and hollow. I think the problem was the room was too small for these speakers. Other speakers sounded much better in that room. Therefore I tend to agree with the others that the 802D's really need a bigger room to perform to their potential.