Room vs. Gear vs. time of life, ...and you?

This may hit home with a few that are of the "Boomer Generation"

Of all the very good to "state-of-the-art"(or near) systems I have had, I did have one I remember most fondly.  My thoughts on that system over time I have realized was most likely impacted by what was likely my best time of life. 
This is not crying in my soup, just my reality.  My three very best friends have all died, two from cancer.  I had my best house and room at that time and set the room up with a system based on the Magneplaner MG-20 speakers.  Other items in that system varied a bit except for the Conrad Johnson ART pre-amplifier.   My best of times listening to that system were with my best friend and some of the best wines from Bordeaux and California.  In retrospect those were not the good old days, simply hitting a high point, much like my physical health, cars, mates, travel and other parts of life can have moments that in retrospect become those "fond memories".   Part of my success in life has been having moments that do become fond memories. 
Great thoughts about life and looking forward @mijostyn and @roxy54 

I was on a ride last week and stopped at a store for a water refill where a spry old woman approached me and said,
"you are so smart to ride a bicycle - I rode one my whole life until I had to stop 4 years ago when I was 88, but I still walk as much as I can."
She had driven herself to the store at age 92 and was outgoing enough to approach me for an interesting 5 minute conversation.....never once was I bored as I found her outlook to be both positive and relevant.  

Regarding systems and time of life, a few years ago I realized that I was spending way too much time tweaking, making cables, building stuff, and thinking about how to make my system sound better.  I cut way back and enjoy both my system and my life more now.

had to stop  
I'm feeling extremely guilty. I'm truly enjoying life. I truly enjoy listening to my stereo and discovering new stuff via streaming. I hope I haven't jinxed anything with this Pollyanna post.
Memory is emotion, or so they say… Dip into the past but live fully in the HERE and NOW.

IF my beloved Labrador of almost 18 years does not await me at the pearly gates, I have zero interest in crossing that threshold…

great thread, so far the sane with emotional intelligence and self awareness beyond massive ego are contributing….

very nice..
Post removed 
@mitch2 , you bring a very interesting question. When is it time to stop?

We evolve our systems over time and many of us have been doing it for many decades, trying to climb the tree of audio performance with whatever funds we have available. The top of the tree is an illusion, an unknown. Aside from running out of money or hearing is there a time to stop climbing?  (other than routine maintenance, the occasional cartridge)