Roon's update sounds really good

Is it just me, or did the update around March 27 make Roon streaming sound really good? 

Oh, yeah yeah, I bought this new audiophile Wifi antenna, with a golden ratio double helix photonic quadratic grand unified theory of basilisk oil.  So long as I keep the basilisk oil topped off it sounds great! :)

Honestly I'm not sure what happened but I don't want to mess with it! :)

My best theory is that I moved from a channel that was more congested than the charts say. I found a completely unused 5 GHz channel and it improved my voice chat as well as my audio quality. Given all the built in buffering, etc. this should not happen.  In any case, I found the buffer size for the streamer and increased it to a full half second, hopefully this will reduce any more such issues.
Why would you use wifi for streaming over wired? WiFi is a terrible protocol, so many interruptions/retransmission packets/possible dropouts. The speed is much slower too
Why would you use wifi for streaming over wired?

Convenience, I don't have a great way to get the bits to the place over wired. Sorry I have disappointed you.

I thought it was better to use WiFi so you cut down on noise and grounding issues. The router is connected to your ISP. Doesn’t that mean you grab garbage from them?  Or is there a filter for that?  Please do not comment rudely to this post. I really do not know. 
does the buffering take care of the interruptions like matching the clocks?