Roon vs the world (streaming software)

I have compared Roon to the lumin app so far and found lumin app layout and playlist management really frustrating. Not to mention minimserver and the lumin app need to scan all your music while roon its just automatically populates. Also to save a file or album to a playlist you have to load the play list first. So many little annoyances. What software are you running if you are streaming? Can anyone compete with roon?
I am in my 3rd year of annual roon membership and I didn’t want to have to go to lifetime as its really pricey ($700 USD). But at this time I don’t think I have a choice.
Besides the great user interface, the "killer app" of Roon in my opinion is that it lets you put your entire library together regardless of source. My ripped CDs and Tidal albums are all just there together instead of having to go into just Tidal or just locally stored files. I haven't seen other software that does that but I haven't explored lately since I've been on Roon about a year and a half and have no desire to change. Like the OP, though, I haven't bought the lifetime subscription because who knows what options will be out next year and I worry that Tidal could go under and make the value proposition of Roon tank for me. At least Qobuz is now an option but it still seems somewhat risky to me with the competition in music streaming services.
I just downloaded Roon and Audirvana the other day.  I have say the Roon GUI is much better and it's easier to get things done.  However, the sound is better with Audirvana.  I never thought I'd be able to notice something like that but I can definitely tell.  I want to keep Roon but having sound that isn't is good is sort of bothersome....

Tidal going under? Is this a possibility? I was more worried of Roon going under after they have used up all lifetime membership fees, The reason why I renew on an annual basis.
I pay for roon on the annual plan for the same reasons as others have stated, wonder about competition in the next few years. I really like roon for it's UI and their OS which to me improves the sound, totally subjective observation. 
@jorgjean I don’t have any insider info on anything but Amazon music “HD” came out and suddenly I see a non stop stream of special offers for Tidal... 5 months for $5, 4 months for $4 (that’s total, not per month, and includes the hifi tier), discounted annual rates, 3 free months when you buy a Blue Sound product... It seemed like they were desperate for cash but that’s just a random interpretation.