After collecting records for 20 years, and finding Needle Doctor on line as a source for my DJ decks, I caught the bug with a simple pair of Dali bookshelf speakers. Then, when looking for an upgraded source, I thought the amplifier should use pre-1960 tech since most of my music was pre-1960. I got a cheep yaqin EL34 tube amp and it all has been downhill - or uphill - from there. I still have the speakers and the amp and use them as backups during servicing.
Roots, a question for younger audiophiles, how did you start your journey?
I am of the generation of Large Advents, Magnepans, Dahlquist, early ARC and Conrad-Johnson, etc.
My question is for the younger audiophiles that got their audio journey start more recently....say in the 90s or the early years of this; "what were your beginning components that were your true start"?