Rotel Interconnects

Presently trying to decide what interconnects to consider. I don't have access to store that one could borrow from unfortunately. So I am looking for anyones suggestions on whcih interconnects they might have had ex[perienced with or just could recommend for a Rotel RCD 971 CD, RC-995 pre, RB-991 amp, RT-955 tuner set up? presently using monster cable mi 550
Harmonic Technology precision link interconnects($149) and melody line speaker cables ($249). I have compared these with numerous other cables in their price range and found them to be wonderful. Analysis plus has a speaker cable out now for $151 that may equal the melody line but their interconnects are much more expensive. You will hear a huge difference moving up from you monster. I've used the precision link with a lot of success with th RCD-971(great player)
Thanks so gives me a place to start...I'll also have to look at power cables also for RB-991. Yes I agree the 071 is very nice for the money!
I have a set of the Analysis plus Oval 12 speaker cables and
I could not be more happy with a et of cables. I would like to hear the Oval 9's however.