Husk01, why would you assume that the Rowland Criterion has to be exceptional sonicly because it's battery powered, the power supply is an important factor in a linestage, however there's alot more in the overall design that will effect the overall sound of any preamp. No disrespect to Guidocorona who is pretty enamored with Rowland gear in general, but I found the sound of the Rowland Capri to be quite ordinary, not bad for the money, but nothing special. For example, for just a tad more money I found the Audio Valve Eklipse to be on a much higher level then the Capri.
Another question that your post raises for me is why the Joule-Electra LA 300ME costs almost $10000.00 more then the standard line stage? I know Mr. Barber put the best parts he could in this linestage compared to the standard, but the same case and circuitry is used, so how do you justify another ten grand just on better parts? I also auditioned the standard linestage after reading the thumbs up review of it ny Harry Pearson and was not very impressed ny its performance in my system.
Just want to be clear that why anyone likes one piece of gear more then another comes down to personnal taste and system synergy, I just believe there other preamps that could out perform either the Rowland Criterion or the Joule-Electra LA 300ME for alot less money.