RRL Cleaner, Vinyl Zyme, and Groove Glide


I was the guy who was unhappy with my vacumn cleaned records a few weeks ago and I think I found the answer.

After cleaning with super wash and regular wash, then vinyl zyme, then regular wash, then groove glide,(I know it is time consuming!), I got to tell all of you guys that my records are Dead Quiet and Detail has improved alot. The soundstage perspective is a little more like sitting in row 35 versus row 20, but the smoother detailed sound and presentation is nice.

Just thought I would let others know that I tried these products in case others of you are interested. Definitely worth the money spent.

"You should have a few records on which to test these products right now!"

Do I ever! Damn things will probably take me weeks and a whole roll of thread for the RCM. I'm thinking Brillo pads. ;-)

"Depends on the definition of dirty. I suppose you refer to stylus damage."

Well, I suppose any grunge left behind after RRL + Loricraft vacuuming is likely to be pretty tough stuff. My chief concern is having the stylus grind it permanently into the vinyl. I worry less about damaging the diamond itself.

BTW, did you get my postage refund? Are we square?
Oh, we're square! I think that's been proven. I know, I know, speak for myself! :-)
I tried some of the Vinyl Solutions record cleaing fluids the other day, and they worked very well, and were easy to use. I liked them.
I'm having major problems with my records. There are noise, pop... etc... on all the records. I used some cleaning fluids but it didn't improve at all... :(
Well, for now I stick to my CD player.
Just another rave for AIVS which, IME, leaves absolutely nothing on the stylus that I can detect. I've now done about 75 records with the stuff using a manual Record Doctor (Nitty Gritty) RCM, and find it really amazing. Caveat: I've never tried RRL, but it's hard to imagine that it would produce better results.