Rubber Washer VPI Scout

They mention that the table should be level but with the rubber washer around the spindle the record will not be level and pitched away from the spindle no matter how much you crank down on it. Would it make more sense to level the plinth where the tonearm is located?
No. The VPI tonearm has uni-pivot bearing which means it is self-leveled. Therefore, you need to level the platter to maintain the correct angle with the tonearm.
I would try it without the washer; I thought it made better contact with the platter that way anyway.
I thought the Scout came with a delrin, not rubber, washer. At least mine did when I bought it in 2010. Reading your question I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but the purpose of the washer is to flatten the record as much as possible against the platter; it has nothing to do with leveling the table. You should level the table to insure the platter is perfectly level without worrying about the washer.

My experience with the washer has been opposite to Stanwal's -- the washer and the clamp make a tremendous positive difference when it comes to flattening records against the platter. I wouldn't play a record without it.