I would still like to lisen to a 24/96 Music File off of a Hard Drive feeding my favorite DAC. With Digital Rights
Management/Media Usage Rights/Protected Files for DVD-Audio Disks, and Downloaded Music Files-N-E-V-E-R--G-O-N-N-A--H-A-P-P-E-N! Doesn't matter if it is for my own personnal use, I am not a damn Pirate. I have heard the improvement with Ripped CD Music Files. Certainly not going to find my favorite Music. What does this make PC Music Servers if nothing more than a suped-up Adding Machine! Maybe you were able to Rip your favorite Music, before someone decided to close the Barn Door. Now with the Barn Door closed (DRM, Media Usage Rights, Protected Files), PC Music Servers are no better, or useful than CD Players! It has become useless and meaningless to pursue this Format! If you got away by Ripping a few 24/96 Disks
prior to Protected Files-lucky you! The rest of us are just screwed with our PC Music Serving suped-up expensive
Adding Machines!
Management/Media Usage Rights/Protected Files for DVD-Audio Disks, and Downloaded Music Files-N-E-V-E-R--G-O-N-N-A--H-A-P-P-E-N! Doesn't matter if it is for my own personnal use, I am not a damn Pirate. I have heard the improvement with Ripped CD Music Files. Certainly not going to find my favorite Music. What does this make PC Music Servers if nothing more than a suped-up Adding Machine! Maybe you were able to Rip your favorite Music, before someone decided to close the Barn Door. Now with the Barn Door closed (DRM, Media Usage Rights, Protected Files), PC Music Servers are no better, or useful than CD Players! It has become useless and meaningless to pursue this Format! If you got away by Ripping a few 24/96 Disks
prior to Protected Files-lucky you! The rest of us are just screwed with our PC Music Serving suped-up expensive
Adding Machines!