Thank you very much for the info
For the most part I will use CDex to rip (another great open source program) BUT there are a few CD's with copy protection enabled to the point I could NOT get them to rip ... I tried 3 different machines and 4-5 different ripping programs. I will try EAC
CD's that wont rip to date:
Trey Anistasio - Shine
Trey Anistasio - One Man's Trash
Mike Gibson's new CD
So my little S/PDIF input trick will be a one or two CD's per thousand deal. I have done some extensive research on the root kit feasco as I work in an IT department at a college. We even figured out how to rip it loose and stop it from running campus wide. Actually the Sony bug is just a drop in the bucket ... but I will spare you my spyware rant. I guess I'm not as worried about the "bug" as I am about the possibility that more and more CD's will be unripable.
I setup EAC but I havent used it. I'm a creature of habbit and seem to always use what I'm comforable with. I will give EAC a try. I am leaning towards a NAS box and a media player in the long run. I have the house wired for gigibit and a RJ-45 plate right behind the sound system.
Any thoughts on the network media devices? Since I dont really need the DAC in my soundcard do you guys think the M-Audio Audiophile external soundcard will fit the bill? Any other preferences? I'm actually contemplating re-ripping everything to wav (3000+ CD's) and running two Buffalo Technologies TeraStation 1.6 TB with RAID 5. I'm not running redundancy now and i'm a little worried. I keep the drives off when I'm not using them.
For the most part I will use CDex to rip (another great open source program) BUT there are a few CD's with copy protection enabled to the point I could NOT get them to rip ... I tried 3 different machines and 4-5 different ripping programs. I will try EAC
CD's that wont rip to date:
Trey Anistasio - Shine
Trey Anistasio - One Man's Trash
Mike Gibson's new CD
So my little S/PDIF input trick will be a one or two CD's per thousand deal. I have done some extensive research on the root kit feasco as I work in an IT department at a college. We even figured out how to rip it loose and stop it from running campus wide. Actually the Sony bug is just a drop in the bucket ... but I will spare you my spyware rant. I guess I'm not as worried about the "bug" as I am about the possibility that more and more CD's will be unripable.
I setup EAC but I havent used it. I'm a creature of habbit and seem to always use what I'm comforable with. I will give EAC a try. I am leaning towards a NAS box and a media player in the long run. I have the house wired for gigibit and a RJ-45 plate right behind the sound system.
Any thoughts on the network media devices? Since I dont really need the DAC in my soundcard do you guys think the M-Audio Audiophile external soundcard will fit the bill? Any other preferences? I'm actually contemplating re-ripping everything to wav (3000+ CD's) and running two Buffalo Technologies TeraStation 1.6 TB with RAID 5. I'm not running redundancy now and i'm a little worried. I keep the drives off when I'm not using them.