S3 Mark II vs Scala Utopia V2

I just came across this showdown from a good friend of mine. He showed me some auctions that are selling each of these speakers for the exact same price for people who heard both of them what do you think about the showdown? Which direction would you go?
Perhaps you missed the memo, but the word on the street is that Audiodoc “special” love for Magico is due to the fact he could not get the line way back when he opened up (it was his favorite when he worked for SBS in NY - I was Andy’s client for many years). He will deny, of course, but next audio show, just ask Magico sales guy at the time, Mr. Irv Gross, he can fill you in...

Sciencecop I would love to know what you are smoking i left sbs when he just got magico and spent 0 time with them at sbs, that was in 2003-05

at sbs Iwas a huge wilson guy.so your facts are wrong i never was interested in carying Magico then in my store. i would have been interested in getting wilson


all my love for Magico is hearing them at shows and being unmoved by them at axpona a few years Magico was in many rooms the extremely expensive setups were especially poor.


also irv has not been with magicio for years

Check his linkedin irv was with magico 2007 -2014

i opened audiodoctor in 2005.
