Ha ha, yes I know... it’s almost unfathomable that my wife and I do not have an iPad
I’m so technology challenged that I am actually quite embarressed. I thought I was doing pretty good by at least having an iPhone and a MacBook Pro, lol. Could I use the MacBook Pro to control the Aurender once I get around to getting the streamer?
I don’t think I want to make things too complicated, so I don’t think I would want to use the MacBook Pro to stream to the dac. I think I would put the streaming on hold until I can afford to also purchase the Aurender.
So this would leave me with too options....
1. Use my old Rotel 955AX cd player as a transport into a very nice dac (TBD yet) while saving for a very nice Aurender to eventually stream music. However, my concern is that using my old and cheap Rotel as a transport, I won’t reap the sonic benefits of having the very nice dac... at least not until I am finally able to purchase the Aurender streamer.
2. Buy a very nice all in one SACD/CD player of the likes of EMM, Playback Designs, Esoteric, etc. Then at some point into the future when I can afford to purchase a very nice Aurender... run that into the dac section of the SACD/CD player. I’m thinking that way I would have really great sound right off the bat for playing my existing CD’s and maybe pick up the occasional SACD’s as well as have great sound in the future when I can get the streamer?
I guess I don’t really know how much importance the transport would play in the sound reproduction. My hunch is that it has an important role. Much like that of the which the turntable does in a vinyl rig.
Would anyone have any thoughts to share?
Yes, I also agree that I want a very musical sounding dac section/player. Before I had my strokes, I played my cello in classical venues and my tenor and bass trombones in jazz venues. If I wasn't performing, I was still attending live acoustical music events a few nights a week, so I am very much interested in musical sound vs the overly hyper detailed/etched type of sound.
I have a dealer about 1.5 hours away from me that has all of the top Audio Research gear and when paired with the right source and speakers, it certainly does sound very nice 
Best wishes,