SACD/CD player update

i have invested on analog for a long time. From vinyl to Reel to Reel, VPI turn table to tube preamp. But sometime i looked at my shelf, there are still over hundreds of SACD and red book CD over there. also some Hi-def in my hard drive. I only have an Oppo 105 to play them. I wonder if it worth to invest on a better player. Thinking about Esoteric, but i never do  A-B comparison and don't know how much i can gain. I'd like to hear some advice. Thank you.


for those of you who own the modded Marantz 8005, it would be interesting to learn how close that machine gets to the Marantz SA-10 reference spinner? BTW, I like modded products as well. Our hobby does not have near enough guys who can provide this service, especially, cd/sacd players!

Happy Listening!

@jafant   Interesting.  I've also wondered about the modded 8005 versus the SA-10.  Perhaps the tube analog board and tube rectified outboard power supply might tip the scales in the modded player's favor?? 

Question:  Have you upgraded the stock Sovtek 5AR4 rectifier?  I placed a Cryoset Gold Lion GZ34 in its place.  To me it eliminated a slight "hardness" to the sound.  Also using a Herbie's Rectifier damper on the G-L.
With regards to 5AR4s, the Sophia Aqua 274B beat 5-6 NOS Tubes I've tried and by a large margin, it's the most musical and satisfying rectifier I have ever heard...


Much Thanks! hifiman5

keep posting here as you massage the modded 8005 into your system.

Happy Listening!


which (2) Sony modded spinners did you own previously?

Happy Listening!