SACD search for $4k-6k

I gave up my Krell to a friend who begged me until I sold it to him. Now I am looking for a different player. I really wanted the MF Tri-vista but I am told they are no longer available. Does anyone have any legitimate suggestions? I really like SACD 2ch analog over 5.1 which to me is quite unrealistic.
Yep he does have the MF player but he does want the Krell.
And at 4k its the lower end of DrJohns price walls inc tax.
The Musical fidelity would be over upper limit unless used.
But then used would be w/o a warranty .
Krell has 5years.Must say he should try to audition one period.
One caveat,SACD may not make it.
Listen guys reviewers reminds me of car salesman,everytime
you look for a jeep, they will say they have 3 of them,
also they will claim their friends and relative has one.
Some reviewers are like that I AGREE THEY HAVE 31 FLAVORS.
They are like politicians,fear of losing 1 vote.Thats
why. Everyone should listen first before throwing big
Just 31?I have had great help from car sales associates and audio dealers as well.Just a peek at the shiny side of the coin.The audio market like the car and car audio are not new markets and there are many fine flavors,just ask Ben or Jerry those sinister ice cream pushers,they even let us taste the different ones,but darn that turned my vanilla and chocolate world upside down.I am you think they'll run for office next?