Careful. People round here, too much (any) reality, they get triggered, and the mini-Mao's remove your post.
Personally, I smell a rotting rat with this event; the markets were in my opinion very overblown due to a decade of funny money pump and CEO's using it for buy backs to enrichen themselves. Now they are at it again with more, much more unlimited printing and I cannot see any of this ending smoothly. They are on air every day saying it's time to buy in as its the buy of a lifetime..... really? If the markets were over-valued when at nearly 30K, and now the economy is shut down (this no two week deal, my customers today are notifying me that they will remain closed until at least the end of May perhaps longer); then I think the markets are more over-valued now at the 20K level based on what future earnings will be.
I am not buying ANYTHING until I see some light, then I may consider a cheap plot of lake front property when I can buy it off of a bank who took it back.
Careful. People round here, too much (any) reality, they get triggered, and the mini-Mao's remove your post.