The original poster asked if a 24 bit recording converted to 44.1 with good software would sound worse than the same recording originally mastered at 16/44. If we can agree that "good" software means there won't be any truncating or artifacts introduced by the downsampling, I fail to see how the downsampled recording would not be superior in resolution to the one mastered at 16/44. In my experience, even recordings made at 16/48 and dithered to 16/44 with good gear sound (slighter) better than those mastered at 16/44.
The original poster asked if a 24 bit recording converted to 44.1 with good software would sound worse than the same recording originally mastered at 16/44. If we can agree that "good" software means there won't be any truncating or artifacts introduced by the downsampling, I fail to see how the downsampled recording would not be superior in resolution to the one mastered at 16/44. In my experience, even recordings made at 16/48 and dithered to 16/44 with good gear sound (slighter) better than those mastered at 16/44.