ScanSpeak Ellipticor-A50-II (anyone build them?)

Has anyone built them and if so what are you thoughts?


and on reflection, given the source of the noise… i suggest a shunt of cheap corroded aluminum wire to a Ben Franklin era copper rod sunk deep into the heart of an overfilled septic system… The septic system would see the noise as a …. downgrade…

AS TO: Price diffrences between DIY and "ready made" speakers. The parts cost in a commercial speaker is maybe 20% if you're lucky  The workders in the factory must be paid. The building/business must be insured. There are vehicles which must be bought and maintained. All organiztions between you and the factory must be paid (distributors, dealers, shippers). Cabinets must be finished (sanding, glue, stains, varnishes), and any rejects must be written off. The kit builder only has to pay for parts, and he is often on his own for cabinetry & finishing. So a $300 - $400 kit  represents a $2000 - $4000 speaker in a dealer's showroom. And the crossover you build is probably far superior to the one in that beautifully finished speaker with the full page ad in the magazines. Oooh! The Advertising; I forgot to mention that. Build your own speakers. You will love them 'cause you built them! Save your money for Amps (they come in kits, too) and DACs (kits?). Cables are rediculously easy to build, too. Maybe turntables (buy 'em used) and recorded music. Happy Listening.

I should state that I am open to the idea that the Ellipticor midrange is worth the price.  I am just not personally willing to buy a pair to find out. 🤣

Price diffrences between DIY and "ready made" speakers. The parts cost in a commercial speaker is maybe 20% if you're lucky  The workders in the factory must be paid. The building/business must be insured. There are vehicles which must be bought and maintained. All organiztions between you and the factory must be paid (distributors, dealers, shippers). 

The poor speaker companies. They must be doing all that work for no profit. Perhaps they should increase their prices so that the poor workers can afford to put food on the table?

@kenjit Clearly you've never run a business, or you wouldn't write such an asinine post. High-end Audio ranks right up there with restaurants and racecars as an excellent way to lose a lot of money pursuing what you love. Anyone who can make a go of it has my complete respect, regardless of whether or not it appeals to my personal tastes.