As per the Schiit website, this is an impressive list of “key features” for a $699 mono block amplifier.
- Power supply to output stage is dual mono—and this is where it matters. Modulation on one supply won’t affect the other.
- Massive overkill power supply topology—separate regulated HV rails to voltage gain and driver stages (not stacked, so no modulation with P/S load).
- No caps in the signal path, no DC servo in the signal path, nothing but music in the signal path.
- Current feedback topology is amazingly fast (-3dB above 1MHz before input filter) and measures well, especially for such a simple stage.
- Linear supply, not switching supply, no high-frequency noise to deal with.
- Class AB output stage, not D. Again, no noise or noise-shaping applied.
- 3 pairs of outputs per channel—1.5x more than typical for this power output.
- Rated power output doubles into 4 ohms.
- Microprocessor oversees all important aspects of amplifier operation: current, DC offset, temperature.
- Protection system uses a “least invasive methodology”—no active devices in signal path, no current limiting, no crowbars—just resistors and relays.
- No fan, just a massive amount of heatsinking.