Schiit Vidar.... Anyone heard one yet?

This relatively cheap by audiophile standards 2 channel amp has me very curious. I haven't seen any reviews or really even read any hands on blips about it. Just curious if anyone has heard it and what you thought.
A new owner on Audiokarma started a thread with a Vidar review, comparing it to an Emotiva A-300.  The Vidar was superior in every way according to the owner.
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It is their first stand alone speaker amp after all, I’m following owner comments to get an idea too. What I like about Schiit is the head guys are actual amp and dac designers that eat and breathe this stuff. The Five year warranty also helps, but hopefully by the time I’m ready to buy it’ll have a more established track record.

The Bifrost Multibit I bought is pretty amazing though.

The review samples sent to The Computer Audiophile reviewer had major problems and had to be returned. Looks like a couple of other purchasers had a few issues. I do give Schiit credit, they participate on the forum and try to help make things right

Yep, I've been following various threads on, Superbestaudiofriends and computeraudiophile.  I can only think of 3 or 4 owners that have reported issues.  It's hard to quantify this as people are much more likely to report a problem that to report no problem, but it doesn't look like anything more than the usual 4 or 5 out of 100 that are defective out of the box.  They've been shipping the Vidar for about a month now.