Schroder sq and the new talea

I heard there was to be a fun time of learning and comparing of these two arms at the rmaf. Since the talea is relatively new, it still has to stand the test of time with comparisons on other tables, other systems and the selective and subjective tastes of discerning audiophiles! There is to be a comparison in one of the rooms at the rmaf this year, which i wasnt able to make. I would be curious to hear some judicial, diplomatic, friendly talk about how they compared to each other in the same system and room. I currently own the origin live silver mk3 with a jan allaerts mc1bmk2 and am enjoying this combo but have become curious about the more popular "superarms" Hats off to both frank and joel.

I hope this thread draws more light rather than heat. If someone preferred one arm over the other it would be OK. With all the variables it doesnt mean that much to me. What matters to me is what it sounds like to me and in my room. With that said...

What was your bias? was it for the schroder or the talea?

Dear Nandric, Heidegger's

Das Nichts nichtet..

is even in German a kind of strange phrase (like Wagner's "Liebestod" ...).
"nichtet" as such is not a real word in German ( can't believe it is actually part of the Duden ), but it is absolutely clear what it means.
It should be translated ( to get to the core of the sentence and its content) as: "The Nothing nullifies".

Hope this helps.
BTW - the best discussion so far in my 18+ months on Audiogon !
Best regards,
Dear Nandric, when you said
In the çontext of áudio system you are able to relate tonearm,
cart,TT, amps.and speakers. This is obviously RELATIONAL
issue. Correlation of those, say, different parts is the
you were right. I do so because these are all parts of a system. Only together they do form a system. As important as one or the other part of the system may be ( and there are of course certain parts which do contribute more to the "sound" of the audio set-up then others ) - only the whole system does reproduce a recording into music (hopefully ...) again. So here we do indeed have individual tools, which do relate to each other in a certain context and can not fulfill their purpose without the others.
And yes, so far I too have not found any object which does indeed satisfy both conditions - Fx and Gx.

"I teach you the overman." Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Perhaps the translation is weak or I took this too literally. In any event, if I am short on criteria for the ideal tonearm, it would be enlightening as a thought experiment to have some of your tonearm "blue book." To the degree possible it would be most helpful to define the arm's qualities in terms of practical design rather than physics. For example, I suggest an arm of zero length to eliminate wand resonance. I suggest an arm without a vertical pivot in order to eliminate vertical tracking error. These notions are not specious, as I can at least conceive how to implement such designs.
I think ( a risky word in this context...;-) ...) that Descartes phenomenal statement - which marked the awakening of the spirit of humanism - is not philosophy. It is much more. It is the self-recognition of the human spirit. Beyond knowledge. Beyond religion.

Not withstanding the pun, you have it exactly backwards. Thought is the product of the mind. But you are not your mind. Your mind is simply a tool, albeit one that tries to convince that you that it is you. When you experience this, perhaps it will be easier to understand.

IOW, it is possible to silence the mind with a simple technique, and simply Be.

So when you get that thought can be silenced and that consciousness remains, it is *then* that you experience the human spirit- yourself. This is not possible as long as the mind is not stilled.

To say "when thought is silenced is actual knowledge" is simply nonsense.

Canam, you and Dertonarm are on the same page here, but I would simply say that in order to know the truth of this, perhaps try it first. Eckhart Tolle has presented a simple method in his book 'The Power of Now'.

It is true that there has been a lot of philosophy presented here. You will find though that behind any great design is usually a guiding principle, which might be a vision or a philosophy. I am simply pointing out that if you can still the mind, the creative powers awaken and are 10 times more powerful. If you are to make a better arm, it seems like this might be useful.
Atmasphere, your position in these two matters is perfectly fine with me. But I do not have to agree - my position is different and - at least as far as I am concerned for good reason.
Back in the last days in german high school I encountered thoughts similar to the ones you posted above among some of my fellow schoolmates.
In the interim more than 3 decades have passed and my perspective as well as my awareness of things have changed and much to the better.
The great minds of the past were far less selfish then we are today. Most of the great human minds lived in times when authority and religion had an all-present impact on everyones life which none of us today can estimate (well - maybe some of the Taliban get an idea about it ....).
They created the thoughts we are musing about now from a distant and kind of irrational perspective.
I must admit that I feel much more comfortable with the "thoughts" of Canam, Nandric, Asa, Dgarretson to name a few here.
My driving force was and always will be the spirit of humanism ( NOT in the philanthropic sense ... ;-) ... ) which freed the human soul, lead to secularism and ultimately enabled man to live.