Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences


I have read a lot of threads regarding the "superiortiy" of these tonearms in the right combinations of tables and catridges. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot said about the soncic characteristics of each brand and the differences between them. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses, sonci characteristics, applicability to various types of music (rock, pop, classical, large scale, small scale, etc).

Will a Schroeder deliver dynamics, punch, bass suited to Rock music? Will a Triplanar deliver natural, timbral accuracy? Are both these arms suited to the same music?

Thanks in advance,

Dan I agree with you assertion on the Phantom. For me, a man with 10 thumbs, the ease of a Phantom (or Tri-Planer) entices me. However, there is something so mysterious about Franks arm as well. I have to see how I can clear up some work, family matters, and other things that always hang over my head!! Yeah, what an experience this would be!!

Rick (RWD)
What a wonderful hobby we have!!! Yesterday, I spent 4 hours with 3 friends (two of which I just met in person) indulging ourselves in wonderful music, fantastic sounds and equipment, and spirted discussions about this great hobby of ours.
I wanted to post this comment on this thread for a few reasons. First because I feel we have established a nice group here with not only a common goal, but also a we have found the ability to share our comments in a constructive, educational and common grammar. Andrew started it off with his question.....which arm is better? Wow....look where it took of to...!!! Now there is (at least one) a group (hopefully me as well) willing to travel to Colorado to search for that higher absolute sound. The quest for a new turntable and arm leads us to other things as well. Yesterday , my time with the "great" Sirspeedy (great, great person and wonderful sense of articulating his impressions of sounds), Ed ( who did a good amount of serious listening (not much talking) and the GREAT Sid (who is not a member of our group here, but a wonderful person) who, indeed has one of the BEST systems I have ever heard!
My mission was to see his new turntable and arm. What I accomplished was what I said at the e beginning of this post.......we have a wonderful hobby which includes some wonderful, kind and passionate people.
Sid's new TT and arm were quite impressive......I had to re-think what I need to do. I am, in earnest, in search of upgrading my TT and arm and I have been considering a Teres or Galibier with a Schroder (probably a Reference) or Tri-Planer or Graham Phantom. So I listened yesterday and walked away a better man. Yes, my search will continue and I will be leaning towards you here for guidance and assistance. Dan will be going to hear all of the products I mentioned I was quite interested in, in Colorado in May. I believe Andrew will also be part of this mission. I hope to join them. However, I know that this is what will be the results: I will have a new TT and a new arm; I will have deepened my friendship with those around me; and, I will continue to discover new music and enjoy the pleases it gives me.

Sorry guy's and gal's if was a "wonderful day".

You're right, this is a great group of folks and hobby. I think the important thing is that in this leauge of equipment it all sounds pretty good. But then again, we're all a little fanatical and in pusuit of the "best" or "better".

I hope you make it to Colo. That should be real interesting and I'm looking forward to meet the guys and exchange views on things.

Can you tell us a little about the equipment you heard?
Rick,"wow"--thanks for the compliment,but it was truly undeserved!Of course it was a real pleasure meeting you,and you are a true "class act".That was the sentiments of ALL of us,so you will clearly be involved in more than a few of our little listening sessions.BTW--are we obsessed,or what?Does Sid have the most amazing LP collection(of virtually every lp of interest,to anyone)or were we hallucinating the "Great Walls of Vinyl".Don't kid yourself!We saw what looked to be a stolen stash of lp's,tucked under your jacket,as you got into your car!-:)

BTW--Ed is the least quiet of us all,but it was your day,to get the Royal Treatment.My tush still hurts from not being able to sit in the preferred chair,which was reserved(a week in advance)for you!Thanks,for nothing.

BTW-the Air Tangent was the more "meat on the bones sounding",with this new arm being a bit more dynamic,but slightly attenuated on the highs.Sorry!I had to get that in.
What really becomes obvious,in this hobby,is the absolute fact that there are tons of great choices,for great sound!No definitive "one or two,or five" best of anything,as you know.I'm always amazed at how good something "new to me",that another skilled,thinking, hobbyist has employed in their own system impacts what I do,in the future.That happened to me,after visiting a fellow hobbyist,in Florida.Now I'm spending a fair amount of dollars,like you Rick,after hearing something I liked,in this fellows set-up.The cycle never ends.

BTW--It was YOU who demonstrated an incredible sense of listening skills.I don't think I would have noticed the fact that Tony Bennett was in an isolated booth,while the rest of the musicians were sounding like they were coming from someplace else.Sid loved that comment.I was "clueless",as usual!

So,go for your new table/arm.

Just make sure it's a choice I can be jealous of.I don't live far from you.

Hi Andrew! The system was a highly modified Infinity RS 1-B speaker system (like mine-but much more moded and fine tuned ). I suspect I cannot reveal the TT (is that right Sirspeedy?) but the arm is a VPI 12.6. As for the mods, the Infinity electronic has a complete modification. This is the one area that I am sure has the greatest impact on the speaker. Slight changes on the bass volume effected the entire audio spectrum.
Thanks Sirspeedy for the kinds words. You, Andrew and probably the rest are all correct...our hobby leads us to the delightful quest for he absolute sound.

Rick (RWD)