scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
Gordon Ramsey conducts a really interesting blind test with food that I've seen him do on some of his shows.  He'll blindfold chefs, then put various foods in their mouths and have them try to guess what it is.  People are wrong more than they are right.  They miss things like Watermelon, Chicken, Green Beans etc.  It's amazing.  Based on this, is it safe to assume that foods don't have a discernible unique taste?
These are like "which oil?" threads on any given car enthusiast forum. They continually appear.

There is a good case for locking such threads as soon as they emerge. They cause a lot of emotions to flow and most of it is damaging to the membership, no matter what position one may have on the subject.

The op is shown a link to where to look to get their satisfaction in the question or at least what satisfaction can be found, and the thread gets locked. Ie, the question is asked so often that a set answer is put in place, the op is directed to it --thread locked. Like real forums do, in order to keep the peace and keep the membership.

Some forums are now going to the level of not allowing debate about cables making a difference or not, or double blind tests demanded, etc. That the cable forum area on those for people who believe that cables make a difference. Any other posting is stopped immediately and people are given various warning and suspensions for intruding in the cable qualities discussion area.

Makes perfect sense. People can get on with their lives without being attacked.
Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?

There's one over there  >
Not wishing to appear too pedantic here but technically the whole thing is a lot more like the Hidden Variables theory than the Heisenburg Uncertainty principle, the latter having to do with the inability to measure velocity and location of an atomic particle simultaneously. In other words how do you explain cables that measure the exact same L, R, C sound different all things being equal?