scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
Looks like someone had the smarts to copy the High Fidelity Cables. Besides mu metal can be applied to cables external to the jacket since it’s an absorber as opposed to a reflector. You know, what with the induced magnetic field all cables exhibit.
This article is from 1991 (I think) but just re-published and explains some scientific reasons why cables can sound differently. A good read for anyone interested or anyone who thinks audio need more science.
Actually while the article is fascinating it actually doesn’t explain why cables sound different. The article explains why the L-G cable sounds different from other conventional cables. It’s fascinating because it predates the High Fidelity Cables that also employ mu metal for the conductor by about 25 years. Note to self: could the information that the article is from 1991 be written any smaller?
This article is from 1991 (I think) but just re-published and explains some scientific reasons why cables can sound differently. A good read for anyone interested or anyone who thinks audio need more science.

Those are interconnect cables, which are entirely different than speaker wire.

And yes, I certainly do agree there are scientific reasons why cables can sound different. Doesn't mean they do or will though. Pitting the scientific reasons against a blind test to determine if the listener actually does discern a sonic difference is also entirely different.