scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?

I appreciate your contacting me via PM. I believe it fair to write that you and I are at an impasse. Your refusal to skype first and foremost and insistence that we publicize here on the forum what in my view is personal means that we have “irreconcilable differences”. I thank you for your interest.
I know of no reports that can claim undisputed, unbiased, statistically significant accuracy. For that matter, I haven’t been able to find any publications that have accurately quantified the difference, in the distortion of audio frequency electrical signals, between Siltech Emperor Crown and zip-cord speaker cables.

I recall my university lectures, regarding "skin effect" and the findings of Lamb and Heaviside. I would proffer the notion that most of the self-professed "golden eared" audiophiles would have found these lectures most uncomfortable to endure. My professor for "EE-101" worked in the design department at Scott before he got the calling to teach. I recall his assessment of one willing to pay thousands of dollars for a piece of wire a few meters long was not particularly flattering.
geoffkait, if you think that photons have a hard time moving in cables, you’d be 100% right unless they are fiber optic cables :)

>>>>>From what I can tell, the speed of photons (electromagnetic wave) is actually slower in fiber optic cable than it is in coax copper cable. Who woulda thunk it? 😳
An impasse?! Oh, my! How exciting. Did I predict that or what? 😃
I know of no reports that can claim undisputed, unbiased, statistically significant accuracy. For that matter, I haven’t been able to find any publications that have accurately quantified the difference, in the distortion of audio frequency electrical signals, between Siltech Emperor Crown and zip-cord speaker cables.

Just because you haven’t found any doesn’t mean they’re not out there. Maybe you need to refine your search terms. 😃 You can always use the reliable excuse, the dog ate my homework.