scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
I know of no reports that can claim undisputed, unbiased, statistically significant accuracy. For that matter, I haven’t been able to find any publications that have accurately quantified the difference, in the distortion of audio frequency electrical signals, between Siltech Emperor Crown and zip-cord speaker cables.

I recall my university lectures, regarding "skin effect" and the findings of Lamb and Heaviside. I would proffer the notion that most of the self-professed "golden eared" audiophiles would have found these lectures most uncomfortable to endure. My professor for "EE-101" worked in the design department at Scott before he got the calling to teach. I recall his assessment of one willing to pay thousands of dollars for a piece of wire a few meters long was not particularly flattering.
geoffkait, if you think that photons have a hard time moving in cables, you’d be 100% right unless they are fiber optic cables :)

>>>>>From what I can tell, the speed of photons (electromagnetic wave) is actually slower in fiber optic cable than it is in coax copper cable. Who woulda thunk it? 😳
An impasse?! Oh, my! How exciting. Did I predict that or what? 😃
I know of no reports that can claim undisputed, unbiased, statistically significant accuracy. For that matter, I haven’t been able to find any publications that have accurately quantified the difference, in the distortion of audio frequency electrical signals, between Siltech Emperor Crown and zip-cord speaker cables.

Just because you haven’t found any doesn’t mean they’re not out there. Maybe you need to refine your search terms. 😃 You can always use the reliable excuse, the dog ate my homework. 

An impasse?! Oh, my! How exciting. Did I predict that or what?

I don't know, however, you are well known on the forum for your clairvoyant capabilities.