For those interested in various blind tests, a few days ago on 03-16 2018 in this thread jssmith posted two links to a large range of blind tests. You can argue with some of the methodologies, but the aggregate weight of the results should give audiophiles pause for thought.
>>>>Actually they probably shouldn’t give audiophiles food for thought. 🦀 🐬 🐟 The only time anyone should take notice of blind tests, to be completely up front about it, is when the total number of INDEPENDENT blind tests with negative results - for the SAME DEVICE(S) UNDER TEST -outweighs the total number with POSITIVE RESULTS by a WIDE MARGIN. Positive results are more interesting than negative ones because they can obtained in spite of any mistakes in the system, procedure, bad hearing, etc., assuming there are any.
For a single blind test - regardless of the procedure, listeners, etc. - I recommend throwing the test out. Period. Whereas for a single blind test with positive results I’d say, wait a minute, this looks interesting. Let’s wait and see if there are like this. If you get a whole bunch of negative results from independent tests and ZERO positive results then maybe I’ll start to pay attention. Til then, knock yourselves out. Smoke if ya got em.
pop quiz
Why have most Uber Skeptics made up their minds completely BEFORE any tests have even been performed?