My turntable has a heavy thick composite platter which was intended to be used matless (although the manufacturer did originally supply a carbon fibre + felt "sandwich mat" which could be "flipped" to cover alternate preferences) but I preferred (by a large margin) the undamped approach of using a mat which decouples the LP from it's surroundings.
Might not be for everyone but in various AB comparisons - VTA precisely matched - it's a clear winner for me...
It also means no fussing around with clamps & weights as the mat couldn't handle the extra loading. Speeds up the process of playing LPs. :)
Might not be for everyone but in various AB comparisons - VTA precisely matched - it's a clear winner for me...
It also means no fussing around with clamps & weights as the mat couldn't handle the extra loading. Speeds up the process of playing LPs. :)