Scratchy pops coming from the left channel when I turn up the volume why?

I have a Counterpoint 3A preamp that I am getting this scratchy popping noise coming from only one channel (left) when I turn up the volume. I took off the faceplate and sprayed the volume pot with contact cleaner but it still there. I am surprised that with the volume that it not both channels? Any help would be appreciated.
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A blond in the Mercedes Benz got struck by another blond in pick-up truck and got her rear bumper corner bent.
The one in pick up truck advised one in Mercedes Benz to blow the exhaust pipe to pop the bumper out.
She started blowing the exhaust pipe and was blowing for an hour with no success.
Another blond passes by on foot and asking why she blows the exhaust pipe on her Benz... Than she noted that she didn't close sunroof...