searching for cables, reminded how pathetic Audiogon's search engine is

I can filter by type of cable to a point; interconnect or speaker but no phono sub-category, I can also set price limits, which is nice, but what about the extremely important factors like RCA or XLR and the length? 

I can search amplifiers for solid state or tube... how about critical parameters like max power, channels, balanced or SE? How about a category for DC power supplies? 

and I could go on, but no point since I've brought it up repeatedly over the years.. the moderators agree it is a good idea... and nothing happens.

sad they won't invest a little in programming to make the site really useful .... end of rant... carry on
Riley.. really? if you are searching for an amplifier you aren’t concerned about how much power it has or the number of channels? If you have a balanced stereo preamp and speakers that need at least 100W you wouldn’t want to narrow the search to stereo or monoblock amps that accept balanced connections and put out >= 100W? I think that would be extremely useful

I’ve sold several DC power supplies here.. what category would you put them in?
If you think the search here is bad, try pasting "white American inventors" into Goolag.  

Right. They really did that. 

Now try, "happy white couples".  

Wait. I got better. Go to
Now try and find out how many states use Dominion. Go ahead. Try.
When its a fact, it ain't a theory any more.

 you aren’t concerned about how much power it has or the number of channels?

not really as I can see from the pictures from the seller of how many channels  it has and the type of connections it has on the back.

I’ve sold several DC power supplies here.. what category would you put them in?

and how many of these do you normally see for sale ?    not very many.

i dont think you need more categories here as i see everyday where members cant list a simple full range speaker for ends up in the pro audio category or the speaker cable category......and you want to have audiogon create another category ?    it will just add more confusion.               
not really as I can see from the pictures from the seller of how many channels it has and the type of connections it has on the back.

Riley, I don't think you understand the purpose of filters. If you want to look through every single amplifier listing to find something that meets your needs that's fine for you. I suspect that many others like me don't. 

How can adding categories create confusion. It refines the choices. How is that confusing. The confusion arises because we don't have enough categories, not too many.

 And what would be the confusion in adding a category for DC power supplies? Maybe you don't see them because they are scattered about in various categories? Actually, if do a search on "power supply" there are a fair number of them,  but if you wanted one how would you find it other than looking through every listing here because there are many items listed with external power supplies that also come up. One is in Computer audio/USB, one is in Accessories/tweaks, 

BUT that's really not the point to get buried in fine details and debate which categories or filters are needed. . the point is,.... we need more filters
I came across this old thread.
The issues about categories have two aspects. One involves sellers, and the other is search/filtering. If sellers do not put the listings in correct categories, the result is a mess. As the number of categories increases, the chance mis-categorized listings increases too. Imagine the situation.
Theoretically, a good search/filtering algorithm is the solution but there is always the need of balancing the amount of search research.
At the same time, a convenient tool for searching the specific equipment is to set a Email Alerts, like that in