Searching for new speakers: Wilson, B&W, ??

My quest continues for the "right" speaker. I am looking for a good match for my current system. All ARC with a VT100MKII (100watt per ch) amp. I don't want to go any bigger with the amp (not any time soon) It sounds really good with my Martin Logans, but I am looking for more low end and mid bass. I listen to rock, classic rock, and jazz mostly. I want something that I can listen too for hours at low volume without fatigue. And for it to be musical and engaging with good bass response at lower volume. I occasionally get loud. My room is about 15x22 with a vaulted ceiling. Its hard for me to demo these where I live, I have heard and like the B&W 804 or 803 ,really like the look. And I like the Wilson Sophia which at its used price would be about my spending limit. Thank you
I can only say that, for classical music at least,I would not take B&W for free could I not resell them.
I never owned Vandersteen but anyone I ever knew that did was well satisfied.
Often overlooked are the Rega RS3 and RS5 ,relativly cheap and VERY natural on acoustic music.
PSB is hard to beat for the buck butIMHO Rega beats them
on classical,probaly other way around for rockers but either will do for any kind of tunes.
I have recently auditioned the B&w 802, 804 and Magnepan 3.7

The magnepan's made me turn the volume way way down. That bright!

The b&w sounded like real music one hears in a jazz club or orcehestra hall. The 802's provided a better soundstage, but the 804's are very good for half the price. They are quite revealing of the electronics and balanced on the warm side so they should match well with you ARC amp. The 803's need more power but if you listen at low volume, 100 Watts should suffice.

I have not heard the Wilsons, so no comments on them.

...the B&W,s colorations will make you nuts.
Could you please elaborate?
Just add a Martin Logan sub. By alleviating the amp and speakers from producing that much bass will really open them up. Since bass draws so much power, your mid bass may be lacking from too little power.