Why do I think this is a trap...hmmm.
OK, and these are my ears only--except for comments mentioned later.
But, after the ML's which are VERY nice and neutral sounding through the, lightning fast...with very low coloration...the B&W's have very identifiable colorations...the Kevlar has a distinctive mid range 'honk' (not my description, but a well referenced call by many). I hear that, don't like it.
Then...there's the lack of coherence (NOT a problem with the ML) from the lower mid, all the way through the high frequencies...with a delicate top on the ML's...not a strength in the B&W's.
Maybe I'm too hard on the B&W's...but I have to say...after designing the LSA's...then taking a pair of $1K speakers into a store...comparing them ON THE FLOOR...people crowding around...shocked beyond belief at the disparity in sound between my humble little speakers and the $3K 805' was very telling.
I asked can, why would all these heady engineers at B&W design a speaker that sounds like that? With such obvious colorations?
Then there's me...NOT AN ENGINEER...armed only with ears...(sounds weird) who can voice a speaker that just kills theirs that costs three times the price. How can that be?
Not a fan...B&W's...if you love them, that's great...great...everyone likes a flavor...I like 'neutral'...they're not.
Hope I didn't shoot anyone in the foot...especially myself!
Good listening,