Do you like small, intimate music/jazz clubs? Do you prefer to sit mid-hall at a live music event? How about desiring to hear the music between the speakers (with depth and slightly beyond the outside of the speakers)? If you answered yes, then you owe it to yourself to hear a pair of used Spendor S8e speakers.
I have two pair and I will never sell them. I've owned the Spendor SP-100, SP1/2e; heard a pair of SP2/3e, and others. I sold them all and kept only the SP1, and SP2/2. If you want the ultimate in imaging and intimacy but are willing to sacrifice low end impact, although bookshelves, the SP2/2 are terribly underrated. In my opinion, they deserve the cult following over the LS3/5A. I have the Harbeth HL5, which I do like for a couple of reasons, but they are overrated in some regard. However, I won't sell them because of their versatility. Well, I would sell them and one pair of my S8e's to help finance a pair of Tannoy Westminster Royal.
If you can find a pair of the very musical and handsome Spendor S8e floor-standing speakers to start your experiment, try them out and you might just find another use for your hefty speaker budget.
Good luck! :-)