Separates vs Integrated

Hi, my current set up consists of a Coda 07x Pre, Krell 300 XD Duo.  I almost exclusively stream with a Lumin U2 mini with S-Booster feeding a PS Audio Direct Stream MKii.  

I get drawn into thinking a really well done Integrated could be as good or better, something like the Hegel H600.  Logic being the synergy the Hegel should have outweighing the potential debatable benefits of separates.  Taking out of the equation my current set up has more flexibility, assuming I would likely keep the Lumin, crazy to think the integrated would match my current set up? 



I had a KRELL Duo 175XD amp (loved it) and the CODA 07x preamp (hated it). I came from the CODA CsiB and the KRELL K-300i (the latest Duo XD model). I currently have the CODA #16 (love it).

Separates are better in every case I tried. I tried many combos. With that great KRELL amp you have my fav was the Benchmark LA4 preamp. The Holo Serene KTE would also be good if you want to stay closer to the 07x sound. However, the 07x and KRELL is not my favorite combo at all. The 07x is noisier than the 2 preamps I mentioned (by a lot) and warmth on top of warmth is too much heat for me.

Try the LA4 on a 30-day home trial or get one cheap on USAM.

I also have a great streamer in the Lumin X1 (sold it) and the Sonore OpticalRendu (kept it) when I had the KRELL Duo 175XD. I only do Fibre Optic streaming. The RJ45 streaming on the KRELL K-300i was very convenient but not as good as Fibre.

You’ve got a nice pre and amp so begs the question what specific improvements are you looking for?  Personally, and especially if you like the sound you have now, I’d look to upgrade your streamer first — something like an Aurender N200 or Innuos Pulse or Pulsar would almost certainly provide significant improvements.  

it's probably a question for an engineer. I don't think integrated can beat separates. when the separates match spot on. I.e. you did the engineer's work - "outside the box" - and figure it out. I would think that high end companies selling separates and integrated have the answer.