SET 45 Amp Driving Dynamic Speakers

I have an Antique Sound Labs Tulip SET amp running Emission Labs mesh plate 45s, driving Audio Note AN E speakers. It will play WAY louder than I want to listen, and the dynamics are amazing with all types of music.

Why do I keep reading that 45s (and other low power triodes) are only appropriate for horns, or other super efficient speakers? I think a real disservice has been done to the audiophile community by the propagation of this idea. IMO, anyone who prefers to listen to music at sane levels can enjoy the many benefits of a low power SET amp with carefully chosen dynamic speakers.

Anyone else feel this way/have similar experience?
Inna I don’t think your automobile analogy applies to the OP’s situation , it seems rather you have projected your own specific desires and preferences.
If anyone reads his comments carefully it’s very evident that he’s quite happy with the performance of his system’s sound quality. It seems that Larryi recognized this obvious point. Others are suggesting that they wouldn’t be satisfied with this amp-speaker pairing( peak volume  limits?).  That’s fine however they aren’t the OP who happens to be very pleased with what he has. I can certainly understand why he is.
100 db peaks is definitely desirable in a good hifi system. In fact it should be a basic criteria while choosing the speaker-amp-room combo. But 100 db continuous SPL is very loud. 
Charles, I was not talking about the OP's situation and preferences. My car analogy was intentionally grotesque and should be taken as such. I wanted to emphasize particular points not discuss the subjectivity of one's happiness.
I too could have SET low power amp based system but that would not be my main system.
Let's not drown in subjectivity because that would be the end of a potentially interesting discussion. Most of the time Audiogon is a very boring place.
Hello Inna, IMO nearly  the entire endeavor of assembling an audio system is subjective.  You listen to components and it is either yay or nay.  You either like the resulting sound quality or you don't. Listening to music is an emotional experience.  How does one eliminate the obvious and innate subjectivity aspect? Who decides their satisfaction with components/system without use of their ears?
Charles, of course it's an emotional experience and I would be the first one to defend the subjectivity, I just invited everyone not to get cocooned in it while communicating and conveying certain aspects of the subjectivity. Even each instrument has its own 'subjectivity', in a manner of speaking, its own unique voice. However, low powered system, or an instrument, would have too many limitations, and no matter how great it may at times sound, this would not be enough for me. Speaking of instruments, the greatest I've ever heard was a Conti custom guitar played by Paco de Lucia. Yes, it was made as a flamenco guitar not classical or blues guitar, but I am quite certain it would play anything extremely well. If it was still a compromise - it was a great one. Anyone heard Amati or Stradivarius ?