Could someone tell me the difference between a single-ended triode amp and an output transformerless amp?

Is it true that despite its operational inconveniences, a good OTL (eg Tenor Audio) will always sound more "natural" than a good SET (eg a Cary 300SE)?


I know what you mean. I also wonder if the steep impedence spike of the VSMs (@ app 1Khz) is audible via SET and contributes to the sense of dynamics from the SET/VSM combo. Nevertheless, the cumulative effect of pairing this speaker with these amps was very, very satisfying in many (not every) way(s).

While I wouldn't particularly agree with your description of the dynamic behavior of a "good" system, I will acknowledge your point. There were times when the dynamics felt a bit more "juiced" than strictly natural, but with most of my recordings, I'd call this quality more realistic sounding. There were recordings, however, which would substantiate your view.

When I described OTLs as more "revealing" earlier in this post, that's partly what I was getting at. Shortcomings in speakers and source material was usually more evident via OTL. I know some folks find this the holy grail of this hobby, but I don't.

Marty, I understand what you are saying. I want the amp to play what is good in a recording, and with the poor recordings, not get upset by artifacts in the recordings. In other words, forgiving? -but without giving up anything to resolution. Its a fine line to tread.

Bobby P. has been making certain over the years that Merlins are tube and particularly OTL friendly. OTLs and Merlins are a very common and successful combination!

Couldn't have said it any better. I guess I found those early iterations of both the S-30 and the VSM SE slightly less "forgiving" than I'd prefer. Not "ruthless", or even "unkind", but maybe a touch "strict"?


PS I think my S-30 was one of the very first you guys manufactured. I was wondering which current Atmasphere model you typically pair with current VSMs? After this thread, I'm (uh-oh) starting to get that urge to expand the amp collection (again!). Let's see, we got 45s, 50s, 2a3s, OTLs,....
Hi Marty, most people with VSMs usually go with the M-60. They have enough power to really make the speaker sing.
I have owned CAT JL2, Quicksilver V4, Pass XA30.5, Ars Sonum integrated and Music Reference RM9 Special Edition amps with my VSM-MXes, and the M-60s are my clear favorites with the these speakers. Which means they are pretty good.