Could someone tell me the difference between a single-ended triode amp and an output transformerless amp?

Is it true that despite its operational inconveniences, a good OTL (eg Tenor Audio) will always sound more "natural" than a good SET (eg a Cary 300SE)?


Couldn't have said it any better. I guess I found those early iterations of both the S-30 and the VSM SE slightly less "forgiving" than I'd prefer. Not "ruthless", or even "unkind", but maybe a touch "strict"?


PS I think my S-30 was one of the very first you guys manufactured. I was wondering which current Atmasphere model you typically pair with current VSMs? After this thread, I'm (uh-oh) starting to get that urge to expand the amp collection (again!). Let's see, we got 45s, 50s, 2a3s, OTLs,....
Hi Marty, most people with VSMs usually go with the M-60. They have enough power to really make the speaker sing.
I have owned CAT JL2, Quicksilver V4, Pass XA30.5, Ars Sonum integrated and Music Reference RM9 Special Edition amps with my VSM-MXes, and the M-60s are my clear favorites with the these speakers. Which means they are pretty good.
Never said they dont have a slightly dif sound old Bill but I do disagree that 45 50 SET are the best all have there use and most can be used in hi-performance amp design. Maybe you need to relax a bit. Take some time off enjoy the weather and not fuss so much over others who disagree with you for someone always will.
No problem John; it's not a matter of relaxation but simple facts. You'll find that most knowledgable listeners prefer the 45, PX-25, and 50 to the 300B given the speaker can be driven by all four triodes. 300B is weak at the bottom and rolled off at the top. The "magic" and mystique is in the mid-range which is in fact quite relaxed and supple. At the extremes, 300B is much too compromised and does not compare to the others.

Perhaps with a bit more experience you will understand.