Setting anti-skate

What is your procedure for setting anti-skate?


Showing 3 responses by dan_ed

Thanks for asking a great question, Rich! The answers here have shown me how to get that little extra from my rb300/rega. I hadn't really been that concerned about tweaking this set up to the nth degree. To keep it short, I've gone back through this method for AS and found that the rb300 was dialed a little high, that is, enough to see a clear deflection. After correcting to get back to almost no perceptible diflection I tweaked it back up just a tad. It did make a small, but noticeable improvement in dynamics and clarity.
I should hope so, Warjarrett! :) IMHO, azimuth adjustment has been covered in so many places already. However, if you have an interesting and differenct approach I'd like to hear it. I think this is another adjustment where it is really nice to have a finely etched set of reference lines so that you don't have to compare the cantilever/stylus angle to something that is much bigger and with not well defined edges. Of course, good lighting and good magnification are essential as well.
It's the mechanic/tweaker in me that still has to know. :) But then, my system is finally revealing enough that I can easily hear these differences. (Don't under-estimate the Doshi effect!) In that respect, SirSpeedyMark is right on target about a system's ability to show these differences in cartridge adjustments. It is indispensable!