Setting switches on phono stage of Klyne SK-5a

I would like to know how to properly set up the phono stage on my Klyne SK-5a preamp. There a 10 switches for each channel. The cartridge being used is a Blue Point Special on an AR EB-101 turntable. If there would be another cartridge that would be a better match, I would like to know that also. The rest of the system is a OCM 200 amp and Magnepan SMGa's that were rebuilt last month. Thanks to all who contribute. This is my first audio system in 10 years.
You are lucky to have an SK-5A. It will do justice to a front end even better than the one you have now (I use a Cardas Heart Reference and soon a Koetsu Rosewood Signature). Stan Klyne still repairs this unit, too, the last I heard.

The SK-5A allows you to set input impedance and high frequency contour for just about any cartridge, but some of the setting has to be done through trial and error. If you know the cartridge manufacturer's recommended phono preamp impedance in ohms, that will be the right place to start.

It sounds as though you don't have the owner's manual for your SK-5A. The procedure is set out there, and example settings are given (unfortunately there is none for the BPS :-( ). I have a manual and can help you with this. Feel free to email me.