Viridian, you can rest assured I took no offense; all these sites are really just to have conversations on common subjects; I could never take offense and have used your phrase many times in other areas and smiled when I read yours. I respect your support of vinyl; I cannot get past what I consider laborious and minute preparations to play vinyl and any crackling pop and other noises drive me up the wall as much as fingernails raked across a blackboard; I mentioned Bob Stuart's interviews because his take is no different than those who stand for the proposition that vinyl is the truth and digital is the red-haired stepchild, except in reverse. By the way, I loved camp; went four years to Camp Fuller in Rhode Island, 1963-1967, which provided me with some of my fondest memories of my childhood.
several routes to take to digital heaven?
I'm trying to coax (pun intended) out of transport the best digital signal one can get, without paying the big bucks; I thought buying used transports several years aged would be the most cost effective, but now considering modded cd or dvd modded transports; does anyone have experience with modded units done by the likes of Modwright and similar companies? One company claims that after it gets through modding units made by phillips, sony or pioneer, the sound will rival that coming from $10,000 unmodded units.
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